
December 31, 2020

I wrote a lot about race on this blog several years ago. Given all the race-related BS that’s been going on in this country for the last year, I’m surprised that my views on race haven’t really changed much. That tells me that this stuff has been coming for a long time, obviously visible to anyone willing to perceive race clearly.

BLM is complete garbage. Anyone associated with BLM, especially a white person, is pathetic. So, let’s just get that straight: you are a coward if you support BLM, even to the point of, “Well, I don’t agree completely, but they are calling needed attention to…”

Vicious left-wing demagogues have been blowing on the flames of race hatred ever since Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown both got legally shot.

What the hell for?

I suppose it’s because most white people are stoopid marks. Hey, white people(s), what did you do that was racist last week? Last month?

Were you mean to a black worker at a fast food joint? Did you fail to give up your job to allow a black person to take it? Did you ignore black homeless people begging you for money? Seriously, what did you do?

Black people are annoyed that they’ll get pulled over by the cops for wandering around in a while neighborhood. White people are afraid their cars will get jacked and they’ll get mugged or shot for hanging out in a black neighborhood.

Black people employed at Google might get fired after 6 years of being a complete pain in the ass. White people at Google are history if a black person decides to run to HR and make some racist claims.

Black people, for fun, play the knockout game on white people. Have you ever heard of a white person doing this? Or a mob of whites mob-rioting in a store?

Black people, for fun, commit serious, violent crimes, at a rate 5x to 10x that of white people. White people are now demanding that FBI crime stats be suppressed because they make black people look bad.

How many white people get abortions? Oh, 20%. That’s right, 20% of people abort their babies. How many black people get abortions? 40%. That’s right, since making abortions legal, it’s easy to keep black people down on the suction plantation. Were it not for black people, the abortion rate would be 14%.

So, not much has changed in the last 10 years about black people. Oh, I’d love to love on black people. But they are mostly criminals with huge entitlement issues. Nice job, black people. Wait till we’re done feeling guilty about your horrible stupidity and criminality.

Back from the dead

December 24, 2020

It’s been a while since I even thought about this blog. But I started looking through a lot of the old posts and I’m pretty pleased.

I like writing. I’m not bad at it. I think I’m going to start again.