Lady GaGagMeWithaSpoon

February 27, 2021
So, Lady Gaga has had her $500,000 dogs returned to her. If you recall, two black bandits confronted the dogwalker, shot the dogwalker once (not 4x as the press has been reporting now for several days) and made off with two out of three of Gagagme’s mutts. Dogs were returned by an “innocent” bystander, who gets the $500K reward “no questions asked” anyway.

When Gagagme made this $500K reward offer, I immediately thought, Wait, won’t a “no questions asked” policy interfere with the police investigation of who shot her dogwalker?

I understand that the cops were not pleased with her offer. Given that, it seems certain that she was informed by the cops about the side effect of her offer. But she did it anyway. What a stupid, selfish, arrogant bitch, dispensing with justice for the human being hurt in favor of getting back her precious little bitches.

White racism

February 4, 2021
The anti-white racists are going full blown about white supremacy. Well, I don’t know anyone in favor of white supremacy, except me. Keep it up, watch what happens when white people revolt. We are much better shots than you are.

Keep fighting

February 3, 2021

Fox and NewsMaxTV and OANN (I presume, they want me to subscribe for $5 a month), are all invested in keeping a fight going.

They don’t mean anything except keeping the right wing pissed off. Like the Left media, they make their living fanning the flames.

God, the horrible crap that right-wing media promulgates. Is Trump impeachment constitutional? What about the crappy left-wing COVID rollout? CHINA sux! This civil rights violation versus that.


It’s just to keep people inflamed. Nobody on the right wing does anything, except bitch and moan.

Consider Tucker Carlson, the best of the right-wing bitchers. What has he ever done except fulminate? Has he ever said, enough! Let’s march on Washington again. Or enough! Let’s revolt.

No, he just mildly proclaims how pissed off he is about everything, night after night. He tries to keep us at a rolling boil, not mad enough to actually do anything. He hangs out at Fox News, only slightly pissed, keeping us from boiling over.

We need to boil over.

Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice

January 31, 2021

For 40 years now, I’ve been Pro-Choice on the issue of abortion.

I’ve now changed my mind.

It makes no sense to me that a zygote is a person. The idea that abortion if awful from the moment of conception makes no sense to me. For a really good case for the Pro-Life side, watch this Dave Rubin show. I personally don’t buy it–the woman rests her pro-life case on the sanctity of the zygote. Sorry, a blob of two cells who just happened to merge up doesn’t make a person.

I recognize that as these cells grow they at some point become a person. We can keep arguing about when. Looks like 20 weeks is the current consensus. Certainly a random third semester abortion is murder.

So, I have no scientific reason to not be Pro-Choice, up to a point.

I’m becoming increasingly Pro-Life because of women. I know a lot of women who have had abortions. Few of them have any moral clarity about it. Listen to them talk. It’s all crap like it’s their very first therapy session.

They get abortions because they really need them. They are in bad circumstances–mom is going to be mad, dad is going to be mad, their education is interrupted, boyfriend is totally mad. Our society teaches these women that abortion is just fine. It’s their right, they need it, it’s made an easy way out.

I know a perfectly lovely church woman who has has three abortions. Actually, I don’t know the bell curve, but I bet a lot more women than not have had more than one abortion. After all, we have a million abortions a year in this country. So much for safe, friendly, rare.

What is the effect of having an abortion on most women? It’s a lot worse than we think it is. Because most women who get an abortion do it in haste and have to think about it for the rest of their lives. Most women in America who get abortions really have no idea whether doing it is right or wrong.

Here’s my theory about female morality:

Let’s say you can measure morality from 1 to 10. At any given age point on that scale, women are at least 2 points behind men. The notion that women mature morally faster than men do is idiotic. Women are passive, women need men and so women appear to be more morally advanced, unless they’re sluts. But women nearly completely fail to understand the hard and fast situations that men encounter that make men grow up morally. Men are confronted far earlier and far more often with corruption and temptation than women are. It is quite an achievement for a man to make it through his early twenties with his morals intact.

For women, they are much less often abandoned to making hard moral decisions on their own when they are young, and often the first hard moral decision is whether to get an abortion. Because women are less morally independent than men, and more “socially oriented” in making moral decisions, they are at very big risk when making this decision. As they look for guidance in killing their baby, they take in all the feminazi propaganda that says, it’s fine, it’s not a person, your rights, your body, your life.

As women mature, this rationalization nags at them.

That baby is dead. They killed it. For convenience. They sense it was wrong, and they build a wall of rationalization around their gut feeling that what they did was wrong. They hadn’t developed any decent moral clarity before they went for suction. They sense they killed a baby every time they see another family with a baby. So what they do is become ever more feminist, ever more defensive of what they did, and ever more alienated from reasonable moral thinking. They drag a plethora of other stupid feminist ideology into their brains as a defense.

Getting an abortion deadens them morally. The Left wants more women to get abortions because after you’re a tacit Lady MacBeth, you’re easy to manipulate.

There’s some feminist broad running around right now bragging about having 30 abortions. I’m surprised her uterus hasn’t fallen out on the ground. Tell me, how defensive is she?

Young women shouldn’t get abortions. Or, if they do, explain to me exactly why it is OK. Because if you don’t know why it is OK, you have some serious haunting to deal with the rest of your life.

Deny Till You Die! (part 2)

January 30, 2021

The inimitable Sarah Hoyt published an anonymous essay on her blog called Dare to be Petty.

What does petty mean? Sabotage.

There are all kinds of legal and illegal sabotage. I recommend the Simple Sabotage Handbook, available free. It’s only about 30 pages but will help you get in the being petty mindset.

There are plenty of other websites and books out there about how to be seriously petty. And pranks.

The institution of society is incredibly fragile and subject to minor and major sabotage, legal and illegal. Just do things that are fun and low risk.

Here’s one of my favorites:

Get some of these roofing nails and toss a bunch of them on the ground. You’ll be surprised how many of them land upright.

H.R. 127 – A Bill to Justify Shooting Sheila Jackson-Lee

January 29, 2021

Perhaps this post will get me attention again from the Capitol Police, who subpoenaed this blog several years ago for me making “incendiary” statements. They quickly dropped the case because it was obvious every statement I had made was clearly rhetorical.

I am not being rhetorical here.

Turkey implemented gun registration. Within a few years, the Armenian massacre happened.

The Soviet Union did the same in 1929. Soon, 40 million dead Russians.

Hitler. Say no more.

China. Say no more.

Guatemala, violent as hell, with 100,000 massacred.

Uganda, 300,000 dead Christians.

Remember the movie Hotel Rwanda? Phillipines are certainly violence-free, aren’t they now?

Gun registration is almost always soon followed by gun confiscation. Resisting gun registration is the final red line where we must resist. A population that complies is soon decimated.

Sheila Jackson-Lee is a horribly stupid Progressive bitch who’s been serving in Congress now for 26 years. Thanks, Houston, for continuing to send this harpy to attack us. She’s arrogant and vile.

The experience of Connecticut in trying gun registration is instructive. The overwhelming majority of citizens saluted the government with a medial digit. Connecticut offered amnesty as an attempt to give everyone a second chance, and the people put down their weapons and saluted with the other hand.

What happened in Virginia last year to Gov. Black-Face Wortham made me proud to be a Virginian.

Am I going to go shoot Jackson-Lee in her loud-mouth? Not unless I get a terminal cancer diagnosis. If somebody else wants to, I will cheer!

But everyone else needs to think clearly about this. As some have said, the 2nd Amendment guarantees the 1st.

You need to think clearly about which government encroachments have gone too far and must be resisted now, or you won’t be able to resist them later. If you’re having a hard time coming up with a list, I recommend reading The Declaration of Independence.

Andrew Cuomo, Deny Till You Die!

January 29, 2021
When I was a teenager, a friend gave me this wise advice: When caught outright:

Deny till you die.

Based on the theory that it so confuses your accusators that they will be confused and ineffective in dealing with you. Good advice, but not today for Cuomo.

There are 70 million Americans who know deep in their hearts that he’s a grifting liar. None of us are confused.

He implemented his horrible nursing home order on March 25th of last year. He was being lambasted in the press within a couple of weeks. He didn’t lift the order until nearly 2 months later, sometime in June, IIRC.

This was happening during his interminable nearly daily hour to two hour long press conferences.

Cuomo has another problem: He sounds like he’s talking to retards. His deeply measured, ridiculously dramatic tone of voice makes me want to punch him in the face. He talks so slowly saying the most obvious stuff. I guess his dad might have taught him that.

I remember reading once that speaking slowly is a great way to get people to listen to you. They’re waiting so long between each word for the next word, that they don’t have the mental resources to interrupt you.

For the people, H.B. 1

January 26, 2021

We’re done. Read it, learn it, live it, love it.


January 1, 2021
Feeling a little down about how you got cheated in the last election? Can’t wait to see it happen again in Georgia in the next few days? Here’s a little something from Bill Whittle that should cheer you up:

Oops, the censors deleted it.

If you are in too much of a hurry to devote 30 minutes to watching this, here’s the TL;DR:

There are more of us than there are of them. That’s why they cheated.

The most important political issue is voter fraud. Forget about gun rights or abortion or immigration. We can fix the voter fraud issue from the ground up, and every decent American should help out. Whittle offers some interesting hints on how to do it, and pledges more information for the future.

For now, how about you get on the phone Monday morning and tell your state senators and house members that you want their opinions on this, and that you will be doing your best to get them defeated if they do not support real reform, including

  • Picture-ID required at voting stations.
  • Elimination of mail-in voting.
  • Dual party counting of each ballot.
  • Purging voter rolls of inactive voters.
  • Elimination of same day and motor-voter registration.
  • Better vetting of voters as citizens. I mean, fer cryin’ out loud, I couldn’t even get a new driver’s license without some proof of citizenship.
  • Look up your state’s voter registration laws and go after anything in them that stinks. Just Duck Duck Go on “<my state> elections laws.”

As Bill Whittle points out, this is an easy and effective battle for us to win, a lot easier than the many we have been fighting for decades with little success.


December 31, 2020

I wrote a lot about race on this blog several years ago. Given all the race-related BS that’s been going on in this country for the last year, I’m surprised that my views on race haven’t really changed much. That tells me that this stuff has been coming for a long time, obviously visible to anyone willing to perceive race clearly.

BLM is complete garbage. Anyone associated with BLM, especially a white person, is pathetic. So, let’s just get that straight: you are a coward if you support BLM, even to the point of, “Well, I don’t agree completely, but they are calling needed attention to…”

Vicious left-wing demagogues have been blowing on the flames of race hatred ever since Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown both got legally shot.

What the hell for?

I suppose it’s because most white people are stoopid marks. Hey, white people(s), what did you do that was racist last week? Last month?

Were you mean to a black worker at a fast food joint? Did you fail to give up your job to allow a black person to take it? Did you ignore black homeless people begging you for money? Seriously, what did you do?

Black people are annoyed that they’ll get pulled over by the cops for wandering around in a while neighborhood. White people are afraid their cars will get jacked and they’ll get mugged or shot for hanging out in a black neighborhood.

Black people employed at Google might get fired after 6 years of being a complete pain in the ass. White people at Google are history if a black person decides to run to HR and make some racist claims.

Black people, for fun, play the knockout game on white people. Have you ever heard of a white person doing this? Or a mob of whites mob-rioting in a store?

Black people, for fun, commit serious, violent crimes, at a rate 5x to 10x that of white people. White people are now demanding that FBI crime stats be suppressed because they make black people look bad.

How many white people get abortions? Oh, 20%. That’s right, 20% of people abort their babies. How many black people get abortions? 40%. That’s right, since making abortions legal, it’s easy to keep black people down on the suction plantation. Were it not for black people, the abortion rate would be 14%.

So, not much has changed in the last 10 years about black people. Oh, I’d love to love on black people. But they are mostly criminals with huge entitlement issues. Nice job, black people. Wait till we’re done feeling guilty about your horrible stupidity and criminality.