Halloween is tomorrow

October 30, 2010

My burkha arrived from ebay last Saturday. My hijab and niqab arrived yesterday. Today I got my Star of David.

I’m still trying to figure out how to place my Koran. Do I glue the pages end to end and replace the toilet paper rolls? Do I make a necklace of Koran pages with big red marker drawn on them saying DYNO-MITE? I like both of those ideas. I hope I’ll think of others.

Whatever happens, I promise that at least one Koran will be harmed in making this costume.

This halloween, I’m pissing on mainstream Islam, you cowardly, pathetic so-called Muslim moderates who’ve done nothing about helping the little girl in Seattle who has had to go into hiding to avoid the murderous fellow-travelers you harbor and encourage. No, not all Muslims are terrorists, but all observant Muslims are subversives. They wish Sharia on the rest of us. Moderate Muslims, whatever the hell that means, want your daughter to be subject to savage Muslim courts.

Yeah, I hate Islam. Unless you’re stupid, you do too. If you don’t, I hope you get some Yemeni printer toner.

UPDATE: I was gonna go with one of the Mohammed cartoons on the chest of my burkha, T-shirt applique-like. But the pictures of Mohammud from the cartoons with a stick of dynamite growing out of his stupid head were pretty low-res and all the others were too complicated.  So I got a more hagiographic high-res picture of the little molester, full color. I punctured little holes in it so I could hang a Star of David necklace on Muhhhuummis. In my 8 x 11 chestplate,  Muhmoron is shown holding a book called Humanism for Dummies and I photoshopped in DYN-O-MITE! at the bottom.

I will be wearing toilet paper rolls made of Koran pages all night unless my hosts agree to let me place them in the bathrooms where they belong. Thank Allah that little dabs of superglue work on Koran paper. It would have taken me forever to perforate the sheets. My living room was festooned with Koran pages, superglued end to end, all morning.

Tomorrow, the remnants of my copy of the Koran will be on the shelf behind my toilet, and I will not be squeezing the Charmin again till my Koran is all flushed away. It’s a sacrifice that I will make.

DADT 2010

October 30, 2010

The original Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was not a law passed by Congress. It was an executive branch directive, modifying the defense appropriation bill in Congress for 1994. This is kind of a complicated subject, but Clinton basically did the same thing that Bush got criticized for–“presidential findings” about bills passed by Congress that clearly modify Congressional intent.

The 1994 Congress clearly intended to ban gays from the military period, and Clinton overrode that with the DADT directive.

Now comes that lying sack of fertilizer Obama saying that it’s up to Congress to repeal DADT, and more in sorrow than in anger, the executive branch can’t help.

Seriously, gays, get a clue. Do you want to be Democrat cannon fodder like women, Hispanics and blacks? Do you want to accept unfulfilled promises decade after decade like those other idiot interest groups do, as long as they pat you on the head and blame Republicans for why they never seem to actually help you? (On the Republican side, the pro-lifers are just as easily co-opted.)

Obama could end DADT tomorrow. Just by telling his Justice Department to go limp like they did on Black Panther voter intimidation. He might even be able to override and replace Clinton’s directive.  I don’t really know all the legal in’s and out’s. Nobody does anymore in this soupy swamp of multi-thousand page bills and directives and findings and regulations that the ruling class uses to bamboozle us. I’m just saying, Obama gets what Obama wants and he doesn’t want gays in the military. He doesn’t want gays anywhere.

Barack Obama doesn’t like gays. Deep down in his heart of hearts, he holds his nose when it comes to pretending to defend gay rights. In fact, he despises gays almost as much as he despises soldiers.

Gay soldiers? Double EEEEEWWWWW!

Big Ears vs The Daily Show

October 29, 2010

How have we gone in two years from hope and change to a fucking comedian being able to call a sitting president to account?

It happened because Big Ears didn’t expect the jester to talk back to the king.

Obama caught some serious friendly fire from Jon Stewart.


OBS – I’ve caught it

October 28, 2010

Obama Derangement Syndrome.

The kind of abolute repudiation of Bush that resulted in BDS.

We elected this blank slate punk Obama out of goodwill because America really isn’t racist. We’re the opposite. We cheer underdogs. We all got a cheap thrill up our legs from Obama. It wasn’t about white guilt, it was about goodwill.

Now, when I go to a Tea Party rally, I’m called racist because that’s all you got. Obama’s no better than Sharpton. Just slicker.

We passed your racist kind by, Mr. President, with Rosa Parks. How fucking dare you tell us to sit in the back of the bus?

We’re kicking your racist Chicago-style gang off the bus. No seats, front or back, for the likes of you.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Why Don’t You All Just Go to Hell?

October 27, 2010

Obama has betrayed gays. Not that they don’t deserve it. What a bunch of special interest pouting punks the gay rights movement has turned into.

Obama has never supported gay marriage. Gays who swooned for Obama are as stupid as chicks in the 1930’s who swooned for socialism and communism. At least 30’s chicks got laid a lot by alpha-socialists for believing.

The Left gives a shit not about women’s rights, gay rights, free speech or poor people. What they care about is taking things over. Leftists believe in only one thing: If I were running things….

They seduce stupid resentful people and promise them a white picket fence. Most politically active gays are stupid resentful people.

Anyhow, I’m about to defend gays, and I want to be sure that gays don’t think I’m softening (har! har!) on how I think that gay activism is little more than assholeyer-than-thou (har! har!) special interest special pleading.

Obama and his cronies are notorious for their contempt for the rule of law. If you need a YouTube moment to get this, just look at the tape of Obama’s diss of the Supreme Court at his State of the Union for voting in a way that didn’t help Democrats.  The Obama justice department doesn’t give a shit about Black Panther voter intimidation cases, but suddenly they get Rule of Law Jesus when it comes to duct taping the mouths of gay soldiers.

I don’t know why Obama doesn’t like gays except when he wants to use them for votes. I’m sure it’s not because he’s culturally black. No way could it be because blacks are almost as anti-gay as they are anti-eating-pussy. Those are stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality.

So I will propose some alternate things that I feel like proposing.

What exactly would happen if gays in the military were allowed to tell? How would they tell? Would they send their squad-mates invitations to a whine and cheese party with their life-partner? Would they confess under fire about to die that they’d been checking eveyone’s asses out ever since basic, and I just want you guys to know that you have the best asses I’ve ever served under, now let’s go kill us some gooks/hadjis? Would they suddenly break out in song, a la Glee?

There are a lot of gays in the military. There are a lot of guys in the military who didn’t know they were gay until they were in the military. I’m guessing, 2% of the military is gay. I mean 2% of the guys. 20% of the women. 

Look at all the statistics about percentage of gays in society, and percentage of gays who’d be attracted to an environment where they got to shower with in-shape guys a lot, and percentage of gays for whom even that isn’t enough incentive, and pulling a number out of my butt (har! har!)  let’s go with 2%. One in fifty guys in the military is checking out another guy’s ass in the shower and not asking not telling wink wink nudge nudge.

Since Clinton’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” we haven’t had a huge breakdown in military morale. We’ve had quite a few years to wait for the other rhinestoned pump to drop. Say it again: there are a ton of gays in the military and it hasn’t diverted a drone yet.

Now, if we abolish DADT, what are we likely to hear nex in the showerst? Crickets? Or gay privates suddenly jumping out of of cakes singing songs from The Rocky Horror Picture Show?

All the gays who are currently not asking and not telling are already in the military. Either people suspect or these gays are so well-behaved that they don’t even shower-slip.

Do you really think that hetero army guys are sitting around going, Thank Christ for “don’t ask me, don’t tell me” because I don’t want to know whether or not I’m surrounded by queers? My morale is so much improved by not knowing who’s got my back or who wants my bohind. What if it’s both?

The notion that acknowledging that there are a lot of gays in the military will turn every barracks into the set of Glee is asinine.  Lifting the prohibition will embolden a few crazy queers to end their careers. I bet 98% of gays still don’t tell, even if Clinton and Obama don’t tell them not to anymore.

There is no credible argument that ending “Don’t ask, don’t tell” will in any way jeopardize our military effectiveness. If the Israelis have been able to put up with fighting faggots, I think we might be able to manage it too.

On the other hand, is this the hill we must all die on? Is it really that important for us to make the military homo-friendly? Of all the issues we face, does this one really matter most? Even to gays?

Sure, we’ve all heard about how every Arabic-fluent translator in the military  was gay and they were all drummed out. Forgive me if I think that’s an urban legend.

Last time I looked, most gay people had jobs and 401K’s and more important issues than dressing up like G.I. Joe and screaming “I’m here, I’m queer, bounce a quarter off of it!”

Gay people have come a million years in the last 30 years in America regardless of AIDS. Really, think about this: just like Americans didn’t go after Muslims after 9/11, we didn’t go after gays about AIDS.  The ingratitude from both those groups about both those facts shows something. I won’t say what right now.

Grossed-out conservative moms and dads have manned up and accepted their gay children. The rest of us have gone fag hag and we think gay is cool. I don’t know a woman anymore who isn’t a fag hag.

I’m tired of American gays who still are ACT-ing all oppressed. It was horrible what happened to Matthew Shepherd and it was exceptional even when it happened in 1998. Gays have won what they needed to win, regardless of whether they can put a rainbow decal on their footlocker in the barracks.

But Barack Obama doesn’t like gays. Barack’s here, you’re queer, good fucking luck.

Edelweiss, motherf*****, do you speak it?

October 27, 2010

Best thing on the web today:


A lot of people think The Sound of Music is a trite, crap-my-grandma-watches kind of movie. I used to be one of them, having never seen it as an adult, having been force fed it as a child, and having vowed to avoid it the rest of my days.

Then a few years ago, I was force fed the damn thing at Thanksgiving and I was entranced. I’ve watched it several times since then. It is a subtle, exquisite, amazing work of art on multiple levels.

On to Edelweiss. If you don’t know why, in the link above, Mr. Fernandez recommends Edelweiss as the epitome of the protest song, go watch the movie again. If you watch again, with his hint, you’ll get it.

Robert Wise was working on The Sound of Music simultaneously with The Sand Pebbles. He ended up producing two of the best movies ever made all at once, and if you get both movies (The Sand Pebbles has been out on Blu-ray for a while, and is cheap to buy and beautifully remastered), and watch them close together on a weekend–they’re both epic long–you’ll appreciate each of them better.

UPDATE: The Blu-Ray Sound of Music looks great and sounds very good. They’ve made a mess of the BD Live part. Turn it off and clear your cache if you’re having problems playing the disc. Maybe you’ll have to update firmware. Realize of course that most times when you update firmware it has to do with copy protection and them obsoleting compromised keys, not them giving you new features.

Work, You Jerk!

October 23, 2010

Todd Henderson, a Chicago law professor with a medical doctor wife, posted a complaint about how Obama’s proposed tax increase on people making more than $250K a year would ruin his life.

I spent about 10 minutes just now looking for his original post and couldn’t find it. Evidently, he’s withdrawn from online because of the torrent of ridicule and abuse he’s gotten, and his wife is pretty pissed at him too. She’s yet another example of why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Women, in my experience, and yours too, seldom have any political courage or even interest in politics.

From what I can gather, the Hendersons make about $400K a year gross. They pay $60K for private schools for their kids, $70K a year in house payments, and have big student loans. They both drive nice cars.  They probably pay about $200K in state and federal and other than sales taxes, all in.

Todd’s beef was that he’s basically having a hard time putting gas in his BMW and affording HBO. If taxes go up, well, then no more True Blood and he might have to learn to draft behind trucks.

Everyone’s focusing on the Hendersons’  income, on their choice to send their kids to an elite school, on him bitching about being broke from paying back student loans while living in a really nice house and driving a really nice car.

Let’s focus, just for a second, on the everyday lives of the Hendersons: Up before 6am to get the kids off to a demanding school–those kids won’t be a burden on society. She’s a doctor and working 12 to 14 hour days, six or seven days a week, I have no idea how hard law professors work but I hope it’s not like his wife–or who picks up the kids, monitors the homework, gets the dinner put together?

I don’t know how the Hendersons can handle this much stress year after year, but I see many people around me doing the same thing. They are also in Obama’s gunsights.

We romanticize the immigrants of decades ago who worked their fingers to the bone to give their kids a chance. We now abuse people who work just as hard to do the same thing, people like the Hendersons.

Forget how “fortunate” the Hendersons are with their nice cars and nice house: THEY WORK LIKE DOGS. They work smart, they give back huge value because they’ve made huge investments in their own skills. If you want to tax them more, you’re the devil.

You horrible, envious, lazy cud-chewers who think anyone making $400,000 a year is a fatcat–you’re overpaid and the Hendersons are underpaid. You work 8 hours and learn nothing to make yourself more productive in the other 16. You’ve never done a damn thing to improve yourself unless someone was paying you to do it. The Hendersons subsidize you and never resent you.

I wish the Hendersons would read Atlas Shrugged.

If you despised or laughed at Todd Henderson you are a horrible unworthy stupid human being.

No exceptions.

Confess, Heretic!

October 23, 2010

Where do labor unions get their money for political campaigns? Probably from their pension funds. So what? Laying down money on Democrats is a good bet/bribe.  If it pays off, you’ll replenish the coffers.

The Chamber of Commerce is spending a TON fighting the unions this year. A TON is about 40% of what the unions are spending.

Obama is trying to mark the Chamber’s money by claiming that much of what they’re spending is from evil, foreign, mustache-twiddling…guys.

As it turns out, if everything the Chamber spent was all of their foreign money, it would be about 1% of what they’re spending.

Obama demands that the Chamber disclose all its donors.

Up yours, big ears.

Anonymous political speech is extremely important.

The authors of The Federalist Papers were anonymous.

Your individual voting ballot is anonymous.

Unless you are willing to have the government post your ballot online for all your neighbors to see, STFU about demanding the Chamber publish all its donors.

After Prop 8 in California, people lost their jobs because of the public disclosure rules about donations. Many faced harassment for their views  because McCarthyite gays looked them up and tracked them down. This was where I turned the corner and started voting against “gay rights.” You’re not oppressed when you can get other people fired for disagreeing with you.  Gays are just another horrible, greedy special interest group now.

Austin Goolsbee had knowledge he shouldn’t have had about the tax status of groups opposed to Obama. He denied he’d gotten this information from the IRS. Everyone in the cud-chewing mainstream media moved along, nothing to see here. Goolsbee is an obvious liar. This is another reason why you might want to have your political speech be anonymous.

Hey, Democrats, this is why we HATE you–you’re bringing back the times when people legitimately had to fear persecution for political opinion.

Democrats say that winning the political debate is all about money.  Spent on advertising. But they know it’s almost all about get-out-the-vote money.

Here’s where Democrat money is going: You go find all  the lazy cud-chewers who would vote your way but won’t bother to vote, and you get them to the polls anyway. The Democrats, as the party of lazy cud-chewers, have a huge advantage in this respect.

Money spent trying to influence opinion doesn’t matter. It will resonate or it won’t. Money spent on vans to cart people to polls matters.

Democrats know how to spend money. Republicans think they should just spend money on ideological yapping and the rest will follow.

Nonetheless, I predict it will go much worse for Democrats this year than people think even now. If I’m wrong, y’all deserve what you get, and I will shoot you and eat you if you come around my house scrounging for food.

Anonymous political speech. I’m engaging in it right here. If you’re against it, please post your name and address. We’ll talk. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything wrong with your personal information.


October 22, 2010

The jettisoning of Juan Williams from NPR for admitting that it still makes him nervous when he’s on a plane with people ostentatiously acting Muslim, is the best thing that’s happened in a long time.

We’re all nervous. Burn a Koran, book a flight, go to a coffee shop, draw a cartoon, we’re all nervous. Nobody knows which Muslim is going to off randomly. Muslims explode. Against Salman Rushdie, against cartoonists in Sweden or Seattle, incompetently in Times Square, brutally at Ft. Hood, and god help you if you’re Dutch.

If you offend “Islam” publically enough, one of their crazies is likely to chase you and try to kill you. “Moderate” Muslims will do or say not one thing. The moderate Muslims are horribly derelict in dealing with their “extremists.”

So if you admit you’re  nervous about murderous Muslims, that will get you fired.  Hey, lefty white-bread white-bitches who run NPR: ever heard the phrase “blaming the victim”?

NPR just flushed themselves down their own PC toilet. Let them eat All Things Considered.

NPR will be governmentally-defunded.

Way to overplay your hand.  Burn in hell NPR. Next to Air-America.

UPDATE APRIL 2019:  Well, Air America crashed and burned leaving only ashes. But NPR still survives, even in an age where there are hundreds of channels available to every cable subscriber and probably 30 or so of them traffic in exactly the same stuff as NPR.

Who’s Crazy Now?

October 21, 2010

Christine O’Donnell, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Medved and Glenn Beck don’t believe in major parts of the mainstream theory of biological evolution. Since Crazy Chrissie opened up the subject in a recent senatorial debate, I’ve heard all three of the radio hosts defend her and deny cross-species evolution. Now, that’s a pretty central denial–they’re not just nit-picking around the edges.

I don’t think any of these three guys is stupid, but I have noticed that all of them seem to voluntarily give away IQ points when they start defending their religious beliefs. Especially Limbaugh–he’s truly a dunce on the subject, flailing away with the kind of equivocations and rhetorical strawman that you’d expect from a not-very-bright layman who’s really not all that interested in the subject of his own religion. I don’t know, but I suspect that Limbaugh’s piety is mostly lip service. It’s obvious Beck and Medved are sincere in their beliefs. Beck, especially, grapples pretty seriously with the issues. I think Medved is the brainest and certainly the most scholarly of the three, but not when he’s talking about religion.

Religious belief is psychodynamically similar to having loyalty to a sports team or, more gruesomely, to believing that there’s a holistic medicine out there that’s going to cure your cancer. Or maybe it’s like staying in denial about the clues that your spouse is cheating on you.

Religion appeals strongly to both hope and fear, salvation and damnation. The faithful are perpetually threatened with the eternal consequences of faltering in their beliefs. For orthodox Christians, doubts about the truth of the Bible scare them like doubts about your spouse’s fidelity threaten your marriage.

It really is a horrible mind-fuck to tell people that if they “lose their faith” they’ll go to hell. So no wonder that religious people get a little clueless and obtuse whenever they wander near any of the evidence that their faith is wrong.

It’s dawned on me lately that this is why orthodox Christians get so nuts about evolution that they start making up patently absurd counter-thories like intelligent design. There’s nothing in the theory of evolution that fundamentally disproves their faith…but it sure does remove most of the necessity for their faith in explaining the world they live in.

Christians have gotten over similar assaults by science before, but never without lasting damage. It’s hard for us today to comprehend the psychological impact of the Copernican revolution. The church just seems nuts to have wigged out over Galileo’s defense of Copernicus. But try to empathize: You’ve believed all your life that it’s a scientific fact that the universe revolves around the earth. Ponder the implications for a moment. If the earth really is the center of the universe, isn’t it hard to doubt that there is something hugely important about human life? And don’t the teaching of the church do a pretty decent job of explaining that? If you’re still having a hard time picturing the emotional impact of the heliocentric theory on 17th century believers, think about the impact the theory of evolution had on 19th and 20th century believers. Once more the metaphysical rug has been pulled out from under them. Another feature of reality that they thought was mysterious has evaporated. It’s disorienting and who would give up such an important psychological comfort without a fight?

Another thing that’s just dawned on me lately is how rude it is for the orthodox unbeliever establishment to shove evolution down the throats of the children of believers. Seriously, who cares if elementary and high school students get detailed exposure to evolutionary theories? There are plenty of other scientific subjects that get glossed over. And what practical difference does it make whether a 9th grader believes in evolution or not? The only 9th graders competent to judge the subject are those researching it on their own anyway. Fine, if the Christians don’t want evolution taught to their kids, or want to have it kept short and have a rebuttal to it included, why not let them have their way? After all, THEY ARE THE MAJORITY OF PARENTS, YOU ELITIST ATHEIST A-HOLES, AND IT’S THEIR KIDS! There’s no sacred necessity here. Lots of other science gets left out of school curricula.

The liberal passion for making sure that every kid is taught evolution is as intellectually suspect as the Christian rejection of the theory. The truth is that advocating evolution as if it were critical for basic education is a cover for wanting to chip away at the Christian faith of children.

Now, don’t get me wrong–destroying people’s faith in the Bible and in Jesus is doing the Lord’s work. But not when you do it coercively, not when you use the First Amendment and the fact that schools are mostly government-run as a happy pretext to brainwash other people’s kids. Because that’s what it is–let me make the point again: hardly any kid exposed to evolutionary theory understands it as presented, much less is competent to evaluate it.

If you think I’m wrong, think about this: Christine O’Donnell is being hounded and hooted at for not believing in evolution. It’s one of the main points being made to support the notion that she’s a complete idiot. Without doubt, the mainstream meme about evolution is that if you believe in the orthodox Christian account of creation, you’re a dolt. Every kid over the age of 10 has been exposed to this meme. If evolution-mongering isn’t just a convenient excuse to attack the religious, then why are the religious perennially attacked with it?

And while we’re talking about irrational beliefs that people emotionally cling to regardless of common sense and the evidence….

How about all the morons who thought that Cash for Clunkers was a good idea? Even if you now admit it wasn’t, if you thought it was at first, you have nothing but superstition and stupidity where your ability to reason about economics should be.

How many liberals, despite the fact that Obama’s stimulus hasn’t worked, and the falsification of all their predictions, just keep moving the goalposts: “it wasn’t enough,” “it just hasn’t worked yet,” “it did work, you just can’t tell how much worse it would have been without it.”

How many liberals believe that social security isn’t bankrupt (several running for office this year do, including that D-Douchebag Conway running for Congress in Tennessee)? How many believe that the government will really figure a way out of this without letting it collapse or cutting social security benefits? Most liberals won’t say it outright, but they act stupid and in denial.

Which is worse, to elect liberal cowards and economic morons who believe in economic ideas so stupid and discredited that they make “intelligent design” sound compelling by comparison? Or to elect people with economic horse sense about what’s happening today, even if they’re in denial about what happened 4 billion years ago?

Which is dumber, to be skeptical about a complex biological theory that is still evolving itself and is continually being revised, or to fail to grasp that you can’t spend more than you earn indefinitely?